report | May 3, 2012

Teens & Online Video

Shooting, sharing, streaming and chatting: social media using teens are the most enthusiastic users of many online video capabilities

report | Feb 9, 2012

The tone of life on social networking sites

85% of the adults who use social media report that people are usually kind on the sites. At the same time, 49% have witnessed mean and offensive behavior and they usually respond by ignoring it.

presentation | Dec 13, 2011

Kids, Privacy and Online Drama

Amanda Lenhart, danah boyd, and Alice Marwick will discuss the ways young people interact online, how they manage their privacy, and common misconceptions of adults when it comes to cyberbullying.

report | Aug 28, 2011

The Digital Revolution and Higher Education

As online college courses are becoming more prevalent, the public is skeptical about their educational value. According to a recent Pew Research survey, only 29% of Americans say online classes are equal in value to classes taken in person.

report | Aug 28, 2011

The Digital Revolution and Higher Education

As online college courses have become increasingly prevalent, the general public and college presidents offer different assessments of their educational value.

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