Aaron Smith

Director, Data Labs

report | Jun 1, 2011

Twitter Update 2011

13% of online adults use Twitter, and half of Twitter users access the service "on the go" via mobile phone.

report | Mar 17, 2011

The Internet and Campaign 2010

54% of adults used the internet for political purposes in the 2010 election cycle, far surpassing the 2006 midterm contest.

report | Jan 18, 2011

The Social Side of the Internet

The internet has become deeply embedded in group life and is affecting the way civic and social groups behave and the way they impact their communities

report | Dec 23, 2010

Politics goes mobile

More than a quarter of American adults - 26% - used their cell phones to learn about or participate in the 2010 mid-term election campaign.

report | Dec 9, 2010

8% of online Americans use Twitter

Eight percent of online adults use Twitter. It is particularly popular with young adults, minorities, and those who live in cities.

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