A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers.

62% of Americans say they enjoy saving more than spending, continuing trend, Gallup
Current expansion long-lasting yet lackluster, The Wall Street Journal
At $680 billion, 2013 federal deficit was still larger than in 2008, CBO
Declining interstate migration in U.S. tied to fewer job transitions, NBER
When states tax online sales, people buy less from Amazon, more from competitors, NBER

Health & Society
Domestic violence declined from 1994 to 2012, Bureau of Justice Statistics
30 of 40 states that support pre-K programs increased funding, National Journal
State/local money for higher education increased slightly in 2013, Chronicle of Higher Ed.
For first time, UC system admits more Hispanics than whites, The Wall Street Journal
Large metros get int’l migrants, ‘knowledge hubs’ get domestic ones, The Atlantic Cities
In 2013, 59% of people in immigration cases had legal representation, Nat’l Journal
Half of Americans aren’t confident in the Big Bang theory, topline, AP/GfK

Single moms are rarer in U.S. than in many European countries, Vox
In Germany, racist feelings affected by feelings about their economic circumstances, NBER
In Oceania, most murders are with sharp objects; in Americas, guns, Business Insider

Got new data to share? Send it to us via email facttank@pewresearch.org or Tweet us @FactTank.

George Gao  is a former associate digital producer at Pew Research Center.