A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers.

Does mentioning Hitler make Americans more willing to intervene in Ukraine? YouGov

Grocery bills surge as drought exacts high toll on crops, The Wall Street Journal
When living wage is minimum wage, FiveThirtyEight
Retirement confidence rises, but only among wealthier savers, CNN Money
Maps: The most, least income-segregated metro areas, The Atlantic Cities
Gender wage gap remains reality across racial/ethnic groups, IWPR

Health & Society
New health exchanges reach 5 million enrollees, The Wall Street Journal
How Americans choose to get their news, API/AP/NORC
CNN’s ratings surge covering mystery of missing airliner, New York Times
2014 Brown Center report: How well are American students learning? Brookings
Americans most likely to say global warming is exaggerated, Gallup
A map of history’s biggest greenhouse gas polluters, The Atlantic Cities
Has food stamp enrollment finally peaked? The Wall Street Journal
Teens more likely to drive under influence after riding with impaired driver, AAP
Map: The geography of North American coffee shops, Flowing Data
Children’s feelings about brands persist until adulthood, Harvard Business Review

Society at a glance 2014: New social indicators report, OECD
One-in-ten Vietnamese ages 5 to 17 are child workers, International Labor Organization
One-third of Libyans feel unsafe when traveling to work, school, mosque, market, NDI
In Germany, gender pay gap especially large for full-time employees in 2013, Destatis
In Australia, half of all migrants live in Sydney or Melbourne, Bureau of Statistics

Got new data to share? Send it to us via email facttank@pewresearch.org or Tweet us @FactTank.

George Gao  is a former associate digital producer at Pew Research Center.