A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers.
Few Americans want life made more difficult for gays, Bloomberg
Obamacare foes run nearly half of early ads for Congress, Bloomberg
Most in U.S. don’t see global warming as a serious threat, Gallup
Support for same-sex marriage is increasing faster than ever before, Washington Post
Voters’ perceptions of Hillary Clinton much better than in 2008, Cook Political Report
Latest consumer confidence sentiment, U. Mich./Reuters
Long-term unemployment high despite decline in past few years, CBO
Plummeting employment prospects for teens/young adults in largest metros, Brookings
Labor market slack: A guide for the perplexed, New York Times
U.S. investors’ optimism ticks up, Gallup/Wells Fargo
Number of U.S. millionaires hits new high, CNN Money
Which cities’ residents profited most from stock, housing recoveries? Forbes
Median-age Americans have experienced less inflation than any FOMC member, WSJ
Health & Society
Smoking rate lowest in Utah, highest in Kentucky, Gallup
Infographic: The way people die varies dramatically by race, CDC via National Journal
More young people in California don’t have driver’s licenses, Los Angeles Times
America’s 1,000 richest neighborhoods, The Atlantic Cities
Where each city’s uninsured live, The Atlantic Cities
Millennials spend up to 18 hours a day using media, The Wall Street Journal
Some 83 aircraft have been declared missing since 1948, Bloomberg
Most don’t have tattoos, but more are getting them, and getting more, topline, Fox News
23% of Americans ages 65 and older have lost all their teeth, DemoMemo
Cocaine consumption declines by half, while marijuana use jumps, RAND Corporation
16% of natural gas used in Europe flows through Ukraine, EIA
4Q employment up 0.1% in euro area from 3Q, but down 0.5% from year prior, Eurostat
Unemployment rate trends mixed across European countries, The Conference Board
Random Sample
Who’s more famous than Jesus? MIT via New York Times
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