A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers.

Obama’s approval rating hits new low, topline, WSJ/NBC News
Another take: Americans evenly split on Obama, Bloomberg
Study: Money equals access in Washington, Washington Post
The age factor in views of Russia: memories of the Cold War? Gallup
Climate change, environment not top worries in U.S., Gallup
Most Americans paying close attention to crisis in Ukraine, Gallup
Iowa voters back governor, but challenger gains, Quinnipiac

Progress report on Obama’s main foreclosure prevention initiative, Washington Post
Quantifying the range of uncertainty in Obama’s budget, The Wall Street Journal
Home-heating costs rise this winter, especially for propane users, EIA
The dozen regional powerhouses driving the U.S. economy, The Atlantic Cities
Housing crash continues to overshadow young families’ balance sheets, St. Louis Fed
Economics of the underground sex industry in eight major cities, Urban Institute
A relentless widening of disparity in wealth, New York Times

Health & Society
4.2 million signed up for health plans via online marketplace through February, HHS
Health exchange enrollment remains at 75% of target, New York Times
Young people lag behind in health insurance enrollment, NPR
Infographic: How health-insurance subsidies are calculated, The Wall Street Journal
Americans took to the Web much faster than they adopted electricity, The Economist
Report says medication use is rising for adults with ADHD, Express Scripts via NY Times
As gas prices fluctuate, support for mass transit rises, The Atlantic Cities
Teen births are falling: What’s going on? Brookings

Ukrainians have had little confidence in their government for many years, Gallup
Slight uptick in share of women in ministerial posts around the world, UN Women
Japan’s energy dilemma in one chart, Washington Post
Despite recent tragedy, air flights are getting safer, The Economist

Got new data to share? Send it to us via email facttank@pewresearch.org or Tweet us @FactTank.

George Gao  is a former associate digital producer at Pew Research Center.