A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers.
The 2014 Senate landscape, New York Times
Pa. voters support same-sex marriage, split on recreational marijuana, Quinnipiac
N.J. voters split on job Obama is doing; plurality approve of both Senators, Monmouth
Interactive: Industry voices dominate the trade advisory system, The Washington Post
The 2014 billionaires list, Forbes
Weather freezes consumer confidence in place in February, Reuters/U. Mich.
U.S. consumer spending rebounds in February, Gallup
Health & Society
Interactive: 25 years of declining state support for public colleges, Chronicle of Higher Ed.
Officials’ pay at public colleges rises faster than at private ones, Chronicle of Higher Ed.
Broadband adoption in cities often reflects socioeconomic geography, The Atlantic Cities
40% of what you pay for beer goes to taxes, National Journal
For more people, American dream doesn’t include home of their own, The Washington Post, Miller Center
What are the early signals for a viral photo on Facebook? Facebook
Mental illness rates highest in W. Va., lowest in N.J., SAMHSA
In early February poll, Russians overwhelmingly preferred to stay out of Ukrainian conflict, RUSI (in Russian)
Ukrainians are not that divided in their views of democracy, The Washington Post
The recent Ukraine-Russia gap in UN voting records, The Washington Post
Ukraine crisis roils global markets, The Wall Street Journal
Do high-income or low-income immigrants leave a host country faster? CPC
Only 19% in Wales think Scotland should break away from UK, topline, BBC/ICM
Random Sample
14 world-changing data visualizations, from the last four centuries, Wired
Got new data to share? Send it to us via email facttank@pewresearch.org or Tweet us @FactTank.