A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers.

NY voters split on Common Core, support moratorium; crosstabs, Siena
Americans’ views of Romney little changed since 2012 election, Gallup
Christie approval down 15 points since bridge scandal broke, Monmouth Univ.
Confidence in Congress, presidency has plummeted in past decade, Fox News

Consumer confidence index declines moderately, The Conference Board
Home prices up 11.3% in 2013, but fell 0.3% in Q4, S&P/Case-Shiller
Economists align on monetary policy but not fiscal issues, NABE
The ups and downs of U.S. military spending, The New Republic
U.S. net oil imports at lowest level since 2009, Energy Information Administration
Business leaders say knowledge trumps college pedigree, Gallup
State hiring credits have mixed record in spurring job growth, San Francisco Fed
Legalizing unauthorized immigrants would boost job market for natives, NBER
Volunteer rate declines to 25.4% in year ending September 2013, BLS

Health & Society
Landmark Hispanic health study may offer longevity clues, Associated Press
12% of Americans say it’s OK to cheat on taxes, report, IRS via CNN Money
Tracking changing public opinion on Obamacare, RAND Corporation
Map: Foreign languages spoken in American cities, The Washington Post

U.S. lags behind developed world in temp worker protections, ProPublica
Venezuelans rated their lives worse ahead of protests, Gallup
Some countries excel at summer sports while slipping up on snow, The Economist
What drives remittances to developing countries? World Bank
Germany’s GDP up 1.4% at 2013’s year-end, Destatis
Physical inactivity causes 6% of all deaths, World Health Organization
More people around the world have cell phones than ever had landlines, Quartz
The State of the International Ordertrend data for new report, Brookings
Interactive map: The UK political battleground ahead of 2015 election, BBC News

Got new data to share? Send it to us via email facttank@pewresearch.org or Tweet us @FactTank.

George Gao  is a former associate digital producer at Pew Research Center.