A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers.

Are Fox and MSNBC polarizing America? Yes, but it’s complicated, The Washington Post
Obama’s priorities face split nation, The Wall Street Journal

Who advertised during Sunday’s Super Bowl, and when? CNN Money
How much is the Super Bowl worth? By one count, $68.27/viewer, The Wall Street Journal
State-by-state look at long-term unemployment, The Pew Charitable Trusts
January spending sees normal post-holiday drop, Gallup
Bigger tax refunds appear to boost college enrollment, NBER
75% of Eurozone companies say corruption widespread in their countries, Eurobarometer
More than 1 billion smartphones shipped worldwide last year, The Economist

Health & Society
U.S. abortion rate at lowest level since 1973, Guttmacher Institute
The geography of cancer risk in America, Chris Walker
Health insurance coverage status for adults 18-64 from 2010 to June 2013, CDC
Old Mexico lives on: Mexican-origin population, by county, The Economist
After inflation and aid, net cost of college flat, St. Louis Fed
Half of U.S. adolescents have used illicit drugs by 12th grade, University of Michigan
Latest military recruitment and retention numbers, Department of Defense
Suicides in the Army sharply decline, USA TODAY
Divorce risk, wages and working wives: Analysis on female labor force participation, NBER
How do your car tires compare with others? NHTSA/ProPublica

Three-quarters of Europeans see widespread corruption, Eurobarometer
2014 world cancer report, World Health Organization
Euro-area deficit down to 3.1% of GDP, Eurostat
Tourist visits to Antarctica, Quartz
Share in Americas with at least one car at home, LAPOP/Vanderbilt
Breast augmentation is top plastic surgery for UK women, rhinoplasty for men, Guardian

Random Sample
Using data to create the perfect online dating profile, Wired

Got new data to share? Send it to us via email facttank@pewresearch.org or Tweet us @FactTank.

George Gao  is a former associate digital producer at Pew Research Center.