A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers.

Obama’s NSA speech has little impact on skeptical public, Pew Research Center
Christie’s image turns more negative, Pew Research Center
Obama averages 45.8% job approval, Gallup
N.Y. poll: Yes to medical marijuana, no to recreational use, Siena Research Institute
Obamacare in red and blue America: Two charts tell the story, New Republic
Americans aren’t polarized, just better sorted, The Washington Post
K Street pays top dollar for revolving door talent, Sunlight Foundation

Many Baby Boomers reluctant to retire, Gallup
In U.S., 67% dissatisfied with income, wealth distribution, Gallup
From getting a raise to spending less, Americans appreciate advice, with topline, ABC News
Map: Changes in home prices in U.S., Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Health & Society
Poll: Views from Latino Americans, NPR
Who will reach college age in the next 14 years? The Chronicle of Higher Education
Twitter users’ diversity becomes an ad selling point, The Wall Street Journal
Map: Tracking the flu week by week, The Washington Post
Marijuana possession enforcement intensity down 42%, The Reality-Based Community
Scientific collaboration has increased, National Bureau of Economic Research

Poll: 59% of global investors say the global economy is improving, Bloomberg
In Latin America, tax revenues continue to rise, but are low and varied, OECD
Internet use in Latin America , Vanderbilt
OECD employment rate nudges up to 65.2%, OECD
Where is the unemployment rate highest? International Labor Organization
World economic situation and prospects for 2014, United Nations
Euro area house prices down by 1.3%, Eurostat
China’s GDP grew 7.7% in preliminary results, National Bureau of Statistics in China
In Britain, record number of young adults living with parents, Guardian
Burglaries in Australia: By the numbers, Guardian

Got new data to share? Send it to us via email facttank@pewresearch.org or Tweet us @FactTank.

George Gao  is a former associate digital producer at Pew Research Center.