A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers.
36 states under single-party control; where they stand on key issues, The New York Times
2014 midterms and unemployment aid, The Wall Street Journal
Some state administrators make more than the governor, Pew Charitable Trusts
Employment Trends Index increased in December, The Conference Board
What should you make of the falling labor force participate rate? Urban Institute
How do longevity expectations affect retirement plans? Center for Retirement Research
Reserves and growth in times of crisis, National Bureau of Economic Research
December housing scorecard, Department of Housing and Urban Development
Risk lovers are more likely to start businesses, and fail, Harvard Business Review
What do we know about low-income men? Urban Institute
Minority, young students more entrepreneurially inclined, Gallup
Academic tenure is on the decline, Bloomberg
Composite leading indicators point to improving outlook in advanced nations, OECD
More counterfeit Euros in second half of 2013, European Central Bank
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