A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers.

Hillary Clinton: How she’s fared in the polls, Politico
Interactive: State of the states 2014, Stateline – Pew Charitable Trusts
The 2014 ballot boxes, The Economist

U.S. consumer spending in December highest since 2008, Gallup
Waging war on poverty: Historical trends, National Bureau of Economic Research
Offbeat dispatches from the economic summit, The Wall Street Journal
Where the jobs are, in 2 graphs, NPR
Has the U.S. reached peak road?, The Atlantic Cities
Change in energy prices mixed in 2013, Energy Information Administration

Social Trends
Interactive: Mapping poverty in America, The New York Times
Minority students make up new majority in Illinois public schools, Chicago Tribune

United States life tables, 2009, CDC’s National Vital Statistics Report
State profiles: How will the uninsured fare under the ACA?, Kaiser Family Foundations
364 hospitals have high rates of overall readmissions, Kaiser Health News
Trends in health care expenditures for the elderly, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
The ACA’s 80/20 rule could lead to higher value health insurance in some states, Urban Institute’s MetroTrends Blog
Map: Where Americans get enough exercise, The Atlantic Cities

U.K. migration: Real figures v. the headlines, Guardian
Interactive: Housing prices in London, The Wall Street Journal

Got new data to share? Send it to us via email facttank@pewresearch.org or Tweet us @facttank.

George Gao  is a former associate digital producer at Pew Research Center.