In several nationwide surveys the Pew Research Center conducted in 2013, we gave respondents the opportunity to give their thoughts about issues related to same-sex marriage and homosexuality. Here is a sampler of what our survey respondents said — in their own words — that reflects the breadth of the public’s views on these topics.
While responses above are about different aspects of the debate, and are from different surveys, these questions present a range of voices and look at what’s changed, and what hasn’t, in the American public’s thinking on the issue. Of course, these questions aren’t mutually exclusive: Just because one supports legalizing gay marriage does not mean that he or she necessarily accepts homosexuality and the reverse may be true.
Our complete series, “LGBT in Changing Times,” includes new surveys, interactive data visuals, maps and legal analysis.
Now, it’s your turn. Do any of these voices speak to you? Tell us your own views on gay marriage and homosexuality in the comments section.