Most Americans remain optimistic about the future. A 55%-majority believes that the year ahead will be better than 2010. Just 31% say the coming year will be worse. At the beginning of this year, however, the public was far more optimistic. In a January 2010 survey, fully two thirds of Americans (67%) said the new year would be better than the last (2009). Americans are also, on balance, optimistic about their financial futures. Though just 35% of Americans say their personal financial situation is excellent or good, 56% say they think their own economic situation will improve a lot (7%) or some (49%) over the next year. Roughly a quarter (26%) expect their financial situation to get worse, while 14% believe it will stay the same. While optimistic on balance, personal financial expectations have shown no improvement over the course of 2010. Read More
Wait til Next Year
Russell Heimlich is a former web developer at Pew Research Center.