Though many online Americans worry about the amount of information available about them on the internet, and take steps to manage their online profile, many have also experienced the benefits of being socially available on the Web. Fully 40% of internet users say they have been contacted by someone from their past who found them online. Just four years ago, only 20% of internet users had reconnected with someone from their past with the help of the internet. Even more (46% of online adults) have searched the internet for information about someone from their past or someone they have lost touch with. Social networking websites are further aiding internet users to reconnect with old friends. Among adults with a SNS profile, 64% have searched for information about someone from their past online. By comparison, only 30% of online adults not on a social networking site have sought out someone they lost touch with. In addition, half of online adults (48%) agree that getting to know new people is easier and more meaningful because you can learn much about them online. Read More
Reconnecting Online
Russell Heimlich is a former web developer at Pew Research Center.