Most Americans do not believe dealing with global warming should be high on President Obama and Congress’ agenda, placing it at the bottom of a list of policy concerns. Just 28% say it should be a “top priority,” the lowest measure for any issue tested in the survey. And 20% said dealing with global warming is “not too important” while 14% said nothing should be done at all — both highs in the survey. Since 2007, when global warming was first included on the priorities list, it has ranked near the bottom; but in 2007, 38% considered it a top priority. The low level of concern is driven by Republican indifference: Just 11% consider global warming a top priority, compared with 43% of Democrats and 25% of independents. Protecting the environment fares somewhat better, as 44% say it should be a top priority in 2010. Read More
Global Warming Not So Hot
Russell Heimlich is a former web developer at Pew Research Center.