In a reversal of recent trends, the 2009 Pew Global Attitudes survey finds that among 25 countries surveyed, the largest increase in support for trade occurred in the United States. Between 2002 and 2008, the percentage of Americans who believed trade was good for their country dropped precipitously — from 78% to 53% — but over the last year support has risen by 12 percentage points, the largest increase in the survey. Positive opinions about trade rose most markedly among Democrats. Two years ago, Democrats were less likely than Republicans or independents to believe trade is good for the U.S.; now they are more likely than Republicans or independents to hold this view. At the same time, support for trade has also increased among Republicans and independents, following a decline among both groups last year. Read More
More Americans Say Trade Good for U.S.
Russell Heimlich is a former web developer at Pew Research Center.