Two-thirds of all African Americans report that discrimination is commonly encountered when blacks apply for a job (67%), a view shared by only 20% of whites and 36% of Hispanics. Just as striking, a two-to-one majority of blacks say they routinely face discrimination when attempting to buy or rent a home, while a two-to-one majority of whites say blacks encounter relatively little housing discrimination. When these questions are analyzed together, a distinct pattern emerges. About onein- four (26%) blacks say discrimination “almost always” or “frequently” occurs when blacks engage in each of the four activities tested in the survey: applying for a job or admission to college, shopping or eating out, or seeking to buy or rent housing. Another 24% say blacks frequently encounter racism in three of the four areas. Only 19% report that racism is not frequently found in any of the four domains. Read More

Russell Heimlich  is a former web developer at Pew Research Center.