Fully 41% of Gen Nexters (those ages 18-25) say it is okay for other people to smoke marijuana in a Pew survey; among Gen Xers and Boomers, 35% agree. Seniors, however, take a dimmer view of marijuana indulgers; just 11% find it acceptable for others to smoke pot. In spite of the fact that it is illegal, smoking marijuana is actually more acceptable to Gen Nexters overall than drinking a lot. Three-in-ten Nexters and 27% of Xers say it is okay to drink a lot of alcohol. This compares with 14% of Boomers and 8% of Seniors. As for other vices, gambling is acceptable to a large majority of Gen Nexters — 67% say it is okay for other people to gamble. Among Xers and Boomers, roughly 60% agree. Seniors are less keen on gambling — only 41% think it is okay. (The Pew Gen Next survey presented respondents with a series of behaviors and activities that are either illegal, such as smoking marijuana, or may be considered risky or unwise, like consuming a lot of alcohol. Respondents were asked whether each is okay “for other people to do,” even it is something they might not do themselves.) Read More
Gen Nexters Say It’s OK With Them If You Want to Smoke Pot
Russell Heimlich is a former web developer at Pew Research Center.