Pity poor Mom this Mother’s Day, after all seven out of every ten American adults now judge that it is more difficult to be a mother today than it was 20 or 30 years ago; somewhat fewer (60%), according to a new Pew survey, say the same about being a father. Fewer than one-in-five (17%) say the job of motherhood is about the same as it was then, while 11% say it is easier today. Men and women express similar views about the difficulty of being a mother or father today compared with the past. However, there are age differences in men’s opinions about the difficulty of being a father today. Fully 70% of men ages 50-64 say being a father is more difficult today, compared with 59% of men ages 30-49, and just 46% of men under age 30. The views of mothers and fathers are similar when it comes to the challenges parents face today. Societal factors — including drugs and alcohol, peer pressure, and entertainment media — are the top concern for mothers and fathers alike. Read More
Mom’s Job Tougher Than Ever
Russell Heimlich is a former web developer at Pew Research Center.