Chart shows trust in scientists is often higher among those with more educationChart shows younger adults tend to have more trust in scientists in some of these placesChart shows more educated adults often more likely to say public doesn’t know enough to understand science newsChart shows in many European countries, men are more likely than women to rate their medical treatments, university STEM education and scientific achievements highlyChart shows those with more education highly supportive of government investment in scientific researchChart shows public priorities on environmental protection have gone up over the past 15 years in most publics Chart shows those on the ideological left generally more likely than those on the right to prioritize protecting the environmentChart shows younger people are often more likely to prioritize protecting the environment over job creationChart shows in some publics, stronger support for increasing renewable energy production on the ideological leftChart shows those on political left tend to see more benefits, less risk, from childhood vaccinesChart shows adults with more education often more likely to see these foods as generally safe than those with less education