Belief in God among the Unaffiliated who identify as white by religious group (2014) Switch to: Religious family among the Unaffiliated who identify as white by belief in God
% of the Unaffiliated who identify as white who say they…
Religious family | Believe in God; absolutely certain | Believe in God; fairly certain | Believe in God; not too/not at all certain | Believe in God; don't know | Do not believe in God | Other/don't know if they believe in God | Sample size |
Agnostic | 7% | 20% | 16% | 1% | 43% | 13% | 1,198 |
Atheist | 1% | 2% | 2% | < 1% | 93% | 1% | 898 |
Nothing in particular | 30% | 28% | 12% | 1% | 23% | 6% | 3,394 |
Learn More: Believe in God; absolutely certain, Believe in God; fairly certain, Believe in God; not too/not at all certain, Do not believe in God