Pew Research Center is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts, its primary funder. This report is a collaborative effort based on the input and analysis of the following individuals. Find related reports online at

Primary Researchers

Gregory A. Smith, Associate Director, Research
Justin Nortey, Research Analyst
Patricia Tevington, Research Associate

Research Team

Alan Cooperman, Director, Religion Research
Becka A. Alper, Senior Researcher
Asta Kallo, Research Assistant
Besheer Mohamed, Senior Researcher
Michael Rotolo, Research Associate
Jonathan Evans, Senior Researcher

Methods Team

Courtney Kennedy, Vice President, Methods and Innovation
Andrew Mercer, Senior Research Methodologist
Scott Keeter, Senior Survey Advisor
Dorene Asare-Marfo, Panel Manager
Dana Popky, Associate Panel Manager
Anna Brown, Research Methodologist
Arnold Lau, Research Methodologist

Editorial and Graphic Design

Jeff Diamant, Senior Writer/Editor
Rebecca Leppert, Copy Editor
Bill Webster, Senior Information Graphics Designer

Communications and Web Publishing

Achsah Callahan, Communications Manager
Justine Coleman, Associate Digital Producer
Reem Nadeem, Digital Producer
Anna Schiller, Associate Director, Communications
Shannon Greenwood, Digital Production Manager

In addition, Pew Research Center is grateful for many others who provided valuable advice and assistance on this project, including Laura Silver, Carroll Doherty, Jocelyn Kiley, Manolo Corichi, Jordan Lippert and Kirsten Lesage.