This report was produced by Pew Research Center as part of the Pew-Templeton Global Religious Futures project, which analyzes religious change and its impact on societies around the world. Funding for the Global Religious Futures project comes from The Pew Charitable Trusts and the John Templeton Foundation.

This report is a collaborative effort based on the input and analysis of the following individuals.

Primary Researchers

Conrad Hackett, Associate Director of Research and Senior Demographer
David McClendon, Research Associate
Michaela Potančoková, Research Scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis – Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA, VID/OEAW, WU)
Marcin Stonawski, Project Leader, Religion-Education-Demography Project, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA); Researcher, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo

Collaborating Researcher

Vegard Skirbekk, Professor, Columbia Aging Center, Columbia University; Senior Researcher, Norwegian Institute of Public Health

 Research Team

Alan Cooperman, Director of Religion Research
Caryle Murphy, Senior Writer/Editor
Stephanie Kramer, Research Associate
Anne Fengyan Shi, Research Associate
Landon Schnabel, Research Associate
Juan Carlos Esparza Ochoa, Data Manager 
Rachel Bacon, Summer Intern
Kyle Taylor, Research Assistant
Claire Gecewicz, Research Assistant
Becka A. Alper, Research Associate
Elizabeth Podrebarac Sciupac, Research Associate

Editorial and Graphic Design

Sandra Stencel, Associate Director, Editorial
Michael Lipka, Senior Editor
Diana Yoo, Art Director
Bill Webster, Information Graphics Designer
Aleksandra Sandstrom, Copy Editor                             

 Communications and Web Publishing

Stacy Rosenberg, Digital Project Manager
Travis Mitchell, Digital Producer
Anna Schiller, Communications Manager
Danielle Alberti, Web Developer
Stefan S. Cornibert, Communications Associate
Andrea Caumont, Social Media Editor

Others at Pew Research Center who gave valuable feedback on this report include Vice President Claudia Deane, Senior Researcher Besheer Mohamed, Senior Researcher Richard Fry, Senior Researcher Jacob Poushter and Research Associate Phillip Connor.

Pew Research Center received helpful advice and feedback on this report from Melina Platas, New York University Abu Dhabi Assistant Professor of Political Science; Robert Woodberry, Research Associate Professor, Baylor University Institute for Studies of Religion; Nicolette Manglos-Weber, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Kansas State University; Robert Launay, Professor of Anthropology, Northwestern University; Steven M. Cohen, Research Professor of Jewish Social Policy at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion; and Phil Zuckerman, Professor of Sociology and Secular Studies at Pitzer College.

While the analysis was guided by our consultations with the advisers, Pew Research Center is solely responsible for the interpretation and reporting of the data.