report | Apr 9, 2015

A Rising Share of the U.S. Black Population Is Foreign Born

A record 3.8 million black immigrants live in the U.S. today, accounting for 8.7% of the nation's black population, nearly triple their share in 1980. While half are from the Caribbean, African immigration has soared since 2000.

short reads | Dec 30, 2014

Who’s having a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ day around the world

Pew Research's annual Global Attitudes surveys starts by asking respondents how they would describe their day. A median of nearly two-thirds (65%) across 44 countries surveyed in spring 2014 responded that they were having a typical day.

short reads | Sep 2, 2014

7 facts about world migration

The world’s increasing population means that the sheer number of international migrants has never been higher.

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