Explore global opinions on political systems by country
How countries around the world view democracy, military rule and other political systems.
How countries around the world view democracy, military rule and other political systems.
Across the world, a median of 78% say representative democracy is a good way to govern their country. Yet, pro-democracy views coexist with openness to nondemocratic forms of governance.
In the last few years, the number of refugees annually resettled by the U.S. has not consistently grown in step with a worldwide refugee population that has expanded nearly 50% since 2013.
Pew Research Center examined attitudes toward human rights organizations in four major emerging and developing nations: India, Indonesia, Kenya and Mexico.
Islam is the most common state religion, but many governments give privileges to Christianity.
Richard Wike, Director of Global Attitudes Research, presented Pew Research Center findings on America's global image, views about China and the global balance of power.
About half of those who applied for asylum in Europe during the refugee surge of 2015 and 2016 were still waiting to learn their fate as of the end of last year.
People around the world disagree about which is more important to emphasize in school: creative thinking or basic academic skills and discipline.
China is particularly well-liked in Latin America and the Middle East, while the U.S. fares better in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region.
Around the world, few people trust Putin to do the right thing when it comes to international affairs. While Russia is not seen as particularly threatening in most countries, it is viewed unfavorably in many.