A new Pew Research analysis finds that 30 of the world’s countries (15%) belong to a unique group of nations that call for their heads of state to have a particular religious affiliation.
A new Pew Research Center survey finds widespread opposition around the world to U.S. eavesdropping. Still, America’s overall image remains mostly positive. Here are five key takeaways.
Hate-speech laws exist in 89 countries around the world (45%). In some countries, the laws protect only certain religious or social groups, while others have broader laws, covering words or actions that insult, denigrate or intimidate a person or group based on race, gender, religion, ethnicity or other traits.
One of the biggest and most difficult items on President Obama’s Asia agenda has been trade — in particular, unsnarling negotiations for the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free-trade agreement. The TPP would remove trade barriers among 12 nations on both sides of the Pacific that together account for about 40% of the global economy. But as might be expected, the […]