Foreign-owned companies employed 6.8 million workers in the United States in 2015, up 22% from 2007. Overall, foreign-owned companies accounted for 5.5% of all U.S. private sector employment in 2015.
People in Vietnam, India and South Korea are generally positive about life today in their countries compared with 50 years ago. But in many places, like Latin America, peoples' outlooks are more negative.
The U.S. has more foreign students enrolled in its colleges and universities than any other country in the world. Much of the growth in foreign students has happened since the start of the Great Recession.
Today, there are approximately 260 million Orthodox Christians in the world, accounting for 12% of the global Christian population. Read key takeaways about Orthodox Christians.
Concentrated in Europe, Orthodox Christians have declined as share of the global Christian population, from 20% in 1910 to 12% today. But the Ethiopian community is highly observant and growing.
Many around the world say representative democracy is a good way to run their country. Compare global views of political systems and read six key findings.
Five centuries after the Reformation, global Protestant Christianity looks very different than it did at its inception. Here is a look at some key facts about Protestants around the world.