What’s behind the growing gap between men and women in college completion?
The growing gender gap in higher education – in enrollment and graduation rates – has been a topic of conversation and debate in recent months.
The growing gender gap in higher education – in enrollment and graduation rates – has been a topic of conversation and debate in recent months.
Most people view their own government’s record on personal freedoms more favorably than they do when it comes to the U.S. and especially China.
The U.S. is seen positively in advanced economies for its technology, entertainment, military and universities, but negatively for its health care system, discrimination and the state of its democracy.
Recent surveys have documented how people around the world view the issue of climate change and international responses.
Some Americans clearly long for a more avowedly religious and explicitly Christian country, a March survey finds. However, a clear majority of Americans do not accept these views.
Wide majorities in most of the 17 advanced economies surveyed say having people of many different backgrounds improves their society, but most also see conflicts between partisan, racial and ethnic groups.
Germany’s pandemic response and its role in the EU are also rated positively.
During Merkel’s tenure, Germans have generally had more favorable views of their economy than other Europeans and Americans had of their own.
There is minimal praise from other societies for how the United States and China are handling climate change.
Citizens offer mixed reviews of how their societies have responded to climate change, and many question the efficacy of international efforts to stave off a global environmental crisis.