report | May 29, 2018

Ser cristiano en Europa Occidental

Europa Occidental, donde el cristianismo protestante tuvo su origen y el catolicismo lleva radicado la mayor parte de su historia, se ha convertido en una de las regiones más laicas del mundo. A pesar de que la mayoría de los adultos afirman que fueron bautizados, en la actualidad muchos no se describen a sí mismos […]

report | May 29, 2018

Être chrétien en Europe de l’Ouest

L’Europe de l’Ouest, berceau du protestantisme et cœur du catholicisme durant la plus grande partie de son histoire, est maintenant l’une des régions les moins religieuses dans le monde. Bien que la vaste majorité des adultes soient baptisés, nombre d’entre eux ne se décrivent pas comme étant chrétiens. Certains disent s’être peu à peu éloignés […]

report | May 29, 2018

Being Christian in Western Europe

The majority of Europe’s Christians are non-practicing, but they differ from religiously unaffiliated people in their views on God, attitudes toward Muslims and immigrants, and opinions about religion’s role in society.

report | Apr 27, 2018

Do America and Europe have as strong a relationship as we think?

Special to The Hill In the wake of the state visit to Washington of French President Emmanuel Macron and the upcoming meeting between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Donald Trump, an already rocky relationship between the United States and Europe faces serious challenges in the months ahead. May 12 is the deadline for a Trump administration […]

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