The countries with the 10 largest Christian populations and the 10 largest Muslim populations
The global Muslim population is more concentrated in Islam’s main population centers than the global Christian population is for Christianity.
The global Muslim population is more concentrated in Islam’s main population centers than the global Christian population is for Christianity.
Majorities in all but one of 10 European countries had no confidence in Xi Jinping to do the right thing regarding world affairs in a 2018 survey.
Every UN member state faces a periodic review of its human rights record. But the issues raised in these reviews can vary depending on which countries are doing the reviewing.
Many Europeans say the European Union promotes peace, and most think it promotes democratic values and prosperity. But they also tend to see it as inefficient, intrusive and out of touch with citizens' needs.
Reports of anti-Semitic incidents in France rose dramatically in 2018. Yet most French adults do not believe negative Jewish stereotypes and are accepting of Jews.
On issues including national identity and religious minorities, views among UK adults align very closely to general opinion across the EU.
A growing share of people globally see U.S. power and influence as a major threat to their country. Views are linked with attitudes toward Trump and the U.S. as a whole.
Germany has seen a dramatic shift away from Protestantism – one that has greatly outpaced a decline in the share of Germans who are Catholic.
Sortable table below showing major laws aimed at the LGBT community in the 15 countries that once made up Soviet Union.
More countries see climate change as a top international threat, but many people also name ISIS and cyberattacks as their top security concern.