short reads | Feb 26, 2015

5 key findings about global restrictions on religion

There was an overall decline in social hostilities to religion in 2013, though harassment of Jews worldwide reached a high. These are five key takeaways from our religious restrictions report.

short reads | Jan 22, 2015

Obama heads to India, where the public is warm to him

Obama's visit to India on Republic Day is expected to usher in a new, positive era in India-U.S. relations -- especially at a time when a majority of Indians have a favorable view of the United States and a majority of Americans express a positive opinion of India.

short reads | Jan 9, 2015

5 facts about Catholicism in the Philippines

Next weekend, Pope Francis will make his first visit to the home of Asia’s largest Catholic population, the Philippines. The pontiff, who also will be making a stop in Sri Lanka, is very popular in the Philippines and should expect an enthusiastic welcome during his five-day visit. The Philippines’ Catholic majority has its origins in […]

short reads | Dec 30, 2014

Who’s having a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ day around the world

Pew Research's annual Global Attitudes surveys starts by asking respondents how they would describe their day. A median of nearly two-thirds (65%) across 44 countries surveyed in spring 2014 responded that they were having a typical day.

report | Dec 11, 2014

Pope Francis’ Image Positive in Much of World

Pope Francis, leader of the world’s nearly 1.1 billion Catholics, enjoys broad support across much of the world: a median of 60% across 43 nations have a favorable view of him. Only 11% see the pope unfavorably, and 28% give no rating.

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