The Future of Health Care: Robots and Networks
A radical proposal for saving health care (use robots) meets a parallel approach (use people).
A radical proposal for saving health care (use robots) meets a parallel approach (use people).
Lee Rainie gave a keynote address at the “Opportunity Online” meeting of the Colorado Public Computer Centers Launch. He discussed the state of broadband adoption, particularly in rural areas, and how it parallels other online revolutions in mobil...
The majority of voters in this month’s elections favor either repealing the Bush administration’s tax cuts for everyone or repealing those received by the higher-income taxpayers.
Among voters who are regular attendees at religious services, 15% say that information relating to the 2010 midterm elections was made available at their place of worship.
HealthCampDC is the latest in the HealthCamp un-conference series addressing the transformation of health care to a participatory model with active patient engagement through the use of social networking sites, open standards and web 2.0.
Public Less Happy Than After 2006 and 1994 Elections
A backlash against columnist David Broder’s suggestions for Obama united bloggers last week while and Comedy Central’s Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear got mixed reviews.
In honor of Veterans Day, a profile of a few inspiring soldiers and inventors.