report | Dec 13, 2010
The public views the tax agreement between Obama and congressional Republicans as beneficial to both the economy and their personal finances. There are virtually no partisan differences in opinions about the agreement.
presentation | Dec 13, 2010
Lee Rainie gave a keynote to the iMedia Agency Summit for ad executives. It explored the new media ecololgy and how it has changed customer behavior and expectations.
report | Dec 13, 2010
A summary of recent research related to cancer and the internet.
report | Dec 10, 2010
A one-day forum on social media, HIV, and sexually transmitted infections turned out to be an unfiltered discussion of love, truth, and technology.
report | Dec 9, 2010
Senior research staff answer questions from readers relating to all the areas covered by our seven projects, ranging from polling techniques and findings, to media, technology, religious, demographic and global attitudes trends.
report | Dec 9, 2010
Overview In many respects, there is a broad public consensus when it comes to the federal budget deficit: seven-in-ten say it is a major problem that must be addressed right away, and roughly two-thirds say that the best way to reduce the deficit is through a combination of cutting major government programs and increasing taxes. […]
report | Dec 9, 2010
Seven-in-ten say the deficit is a major problem that must be addressed right away, but this general consensus evaporates when concrete deficit reduction proposals are tested.
report | Dec 9, 2010
The social media were galvanized last week by the WikiLeaks dissemination of secret U.S. documents—sharing and commenting on a number of different elements in the story. Twitter users drew even more attention, though, to a major scientific discovery largely uncovered in the mainstream press.
report | Dec 9, 2010
Eight percent of online adults use Twitter. It is particularly popular with young adults, minorities, and those who live in cities.
report | Dec 8, 2010
"A surprising number of employees in their early twenties may have already experienced multiple layoffs," said David Morrison, managing director and founder of Twentysomething Inc., a marketing company that focuses on Gen Y.