No Religion, No Representation
While 16% of Americans are unaffiliated with any particular religion, not a single member of Congress lists his or her religion as atheist, agnostic or “nothing in particular.”
While 16% of Americans are unaffiliated with any particular religion, not a single member of Congress lists his or her religion as atheist, agnostic or “nothing in particular.”
For the first time, the internet has surpassed television as the main source of national and international news for people younger than age 30.
The internet is slowly closing in on television as Americans' main source of national and international news.
Fewer Americans are turning to broadcast network news and cable news networks to keep up with current events.
The top subjects for bloggers last week involved Washington-centric stories, but not the one that galvanized much of the mainstream media. The lead subject on Twitter was about online news judgment. And on YouTube, an eight-month-old clip featuring remarks by talk host Glenn Beck became the subject of a debate about inflammatory speech.
Eighty-five percent of Americans age 18 and older own a cell phone, and one-third (33%) of those who do not own a cell phone live in a household with at least one working mobile phone. This means that overall, overall, 90% of all adults live in a hou...
Senior research specilist Aaron Smith spoke about the latest Pew Internet research about public attitudes toward engaging with the government online. (Updated with slides)
While many devices have become popular across generations, younger adults are leading the way in increased mobility, preferring laptops to desktops and using their cell phones for a variety of functions.
Summary of Findings So far, the extraordinary anti-government protests in Egypt have drawn much more attention from the news media than from the American public. Only about one-in-ten (11%) cite news about protests in Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries as the story they followed most closely last week. By contrast, more than three times […]