report | Apr 8, 2011
As media organizations plot their future, it's worth discarding some misconceptions about what it will take to keep the press from becoming yesterday's news. Here, in an aricle prepared for the Washington Post, are five frequent, if faulty, allegations:
report | Apr 7, 2011
With the public growing more anxious about the economy and concerned about overseas commitments, Barack Obama’s job rating has edged lower. About as many now approve (47%) as disapprove (45%) of the way Obama is handling his job as president. In March, opinions about Obama’s job performance were more positive; 51% approved of his job […]
report | Apr 7, 2011
From a Supreme Court decision to the discovery of ancient books, bloggers hit on a variety of topics last week——a very different list than that of the mainstream media. And YouTube viewers gave top billing to images from Japan.
presentation | Apr 7, 2011
Kristen Purcell's keynote address at the Museums and the Web annual conference, held April 6-10 in Philadelphia, PA.
presentation | Apr 7, 2011
Lee Raine talks with Journalism That Matters' Bill Densmore about how libraries can adjust and thrive in the new media ecosystem.
presentation | Apr 7, 2011
This talk explores commonly held assumptions about how teens and young adults use technology. Do teens really send that many text messages a day? Is Twitter the next big thing among young adults? Are landlines obsolete?
report | Apr 6, 2011
Now that the 2010 Census numbers have been released for every place in the United States, a number of local officials—including the mayors of New York and Detroit—have announced plans to file administrative challenges to counts that they contend are too low.
report | Apr 6, 2011
Summary of Findings With the employment picture slowly improving in recent months, fewer Americans say they are hearing mostly bad news about the job situation. At the same time, perceptions of news about prices – especially gas prices – remain overwhelmingly negative. Currently, 43% say they are hearing mostly bad news about the job situation […]
short reads | Apr 6, 2011
Few Americans know that Medicare is a sizable chunck of the federal government’s budget. Regardless, most oppose changing it to reduce the deficit.
short reads | Apr 6, 2011
Nearly two-thirds of white evangelical Protestants (64%) say helping to protect Israel should be a very important policy goal for the U.S. in the Middle East, compared with 34% of white mainline Protestants and 36% of white Catholics.