report | May 16, 2011
For more on how a candidate’s marital and family life affects voters’ views, click here. Generally, the issues matter most in voters’ judgments about presidential candidates, but personality, character and values are not far behind. This is especially the case in the primaries where differences between candidates of the same party tend to be modest. […]
report | May 16, 2011
Generally, the issues matter most in voters' judgments about presidential candidates, but personality, character and values are not far behind -- and especially so in primary elections.
report | May 15, 2011
College costs are rising, student debt is mounting, and most Americans say college fails to deliver good value for the money. Meantime, only 19% of college presidents say the U.S. system is the best in the world. However, more than eight-in-ten college graduates say college was a good investment for them personally.
report | May 15, 2011
23-Nation Survey Conducted March 18 – May 15, 2011 Late Spring survey refers to a follow-up survey in Pakistan conducted May 8-15, 2011.
report | May 14, 2011
The fallout from the killing of Osama bin Laden continued to generate the most attention of any story in the mainstream media last week, though coverage fell off substantially. On cable news, where politics often dictates news agenda, the level of attention varied widely: CNN devoted the most attention to the story and Fox gave it the least.
report | May 13, 2011
While the public is divided over same-sex marriage, a majority of Americans (58%) say that homosexuality should be accepted, rather than discouraged, by society. Among younger people in particular, there is broad support for societal acceptance of homosexuality. More than six-in-ten (63%) of those younger than 50 – 69% of those younger than 30 – […]
report | May 13, 2011
While the public is divided over same-sex marriage, a majority of Americans (58%) say that homosexuality should be accepted, rather than discouraged, by society. But there are wide political and religious differences in opinions on this measure.
report | May 12, 2011
The death of the al Qaeda leader drove the social media conversation last week, as bloggers and Facebook and Twitter users examined numerous themes—ranging from fear to humor—that emerged in the wake of the May 1 raid that killed the al Qaeda leader.
presentation | May 12, 2011
Senior Research Specialist Aaron Smith will discuss “Emerging Trends in E-Government” on a panel at the Digital Citizen Satisfaction Summit in Washington, DC.