report | Aug 16, 2011
A workshop that brought together Census Bureau staff and expert users to discuss the bureau's American Community Survey produced the finding that the survey's greatest asset is its local-level data, but that users are concerned about the large margins of error associated with those small-area estimates. Users and Census Bureau staff also discussed possible changes to the survey and bureau outreach to users.
report | Aug 15, 2011
Some users of Census data may be surprised to learn what the 2010 Census did not ask, because many detailed items about demographics, economics and housing now are included in the American Community Survey. This posting includes a link to an article by sociologist Andrew Beveridge about the differences between Census 2010 and the ACS, as well as links to questionnaire forms.
report | Aug 15, 2011
Mobile devices help people solve problems and stave off boredom, but create some new challenges and annoyances
report | Aug 15, 2011
Mobile devices help solve problems, but also create new annoyances.
report | Aug 14, 2011
Economic coverage once again dominated the news last week, and this time the focus was on the volatility of the stock market. And with Iowa in the spotlight, the 2012 presidential election re-emerged in the media narrative after several weeks of being buried by bad economic news.
short reads | Aug 12, 2011
Restrictions on religious beliefs and practices rose between mid-2006 and mid-2009 in 23 of the world's 198 countries, including several of the world’s most populous nations.
short reads | Aug 12, 2011
None of the participants in the debt ceiling negotiations escaped without at least some significant damage to their images.
report | Aug 12, 2011
Senior research staff answers questions from readers relating to all the areas covered by our seven projects ranging from polling techniques and findings, to media, technology, religious, demographic and global attitudes trends.