short reads | Aug 29, 2011

Americans and Their Cell Phones

Mobile phones have become a near-ubiquitous tool for information-seeking and communicating: 83% of American adults own some kind of cell phone and they use them for a variety of activities.

report | Aug 29, 2011

Hispanic Media Faring Better than the Mainstream

Spanish-language media is an important tool for a U.S. Hispanic population that is increasingly bilingual and American-born. Is the Hispanic newspaper market experiencing the same issues as English-language papers? Why are networks like Univision growing so rapidly? Is radio still a dominant force in Spanish-language media? PEJ answers these and other questions in a new examination of the Hispanic Media landscape.

report | Aug 28, 2011

The Digital Revolution and Higher Education

As online college courses are becoming more prevalent, the public is skeptical about their educational value. According to a recent Pew Research survey, only 29% of Americans say online classes are equal in value to classes taken in person.

report | Aug 28, 2011

The Digital Revolution and Higher Education

As online college courses have become increasingly prevalent, the general public and college presidents offer different assessments of their educational value, according to a new Pew Research Center report.

report | Aug 28, 2011

The Digital Revolution and Higher Education

As online college courses have become increasingly prevalent, the general public and college presidents offer different assessments of their educational value.

report | Aug 27, 2011

From Tripoli to the East Coast, a Week of Big Events

There were no late summer news doldrums last week as the apparent conclusion of a civil war and a pair of natural disasters topped the news. The rebel takeover of Libya generated the biggest week of attention to that conflict in five months while an earthquake and a hurricane brought the media focus back to the Northeast United States.

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