report | Sep 6, 2011
Overview Nearly six-in-ten Americans (58%) say they plan to watch President Obama’s speech Thursday night to a joint session of Congress about his plans to spur job growth and help the struggling national economy. Not surprisingly, fewer plan to watch Wednesday night’s debate in California among the candidates for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. Four-in-ten […]
short reads | Sep 6, 2011
The public continues to be divided over many of the anti-terrorism policies that arose in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks.
short reads | Sep 6, 2011
Voters in general remain unimpressed by the GOP presidential field; opinion is mixed even among Republicans.
short reads | Sep 6, 2011
Less than half of Mexicans believe their government has been making progress in its years-long battle with the country's drug cartels.
short reads | Sep 6, 2011
The Tea Party has become better known since the beginning of last year. Though, as it has become more familiar to Americans, its image has become less positive.
report | Sep 6, 2011
Even after it had passed, the hurricane that slammed the East Coast continued to be the top news story across the U.S. last week as damage mounted. A scheduling skirmish over a presidential speech made the economy the No. 2 story while the hunt for a deposed dictator was a smaller story than his fleeing the capital.
report | Sep 6, 2011
More than a quarter of all American adults use mobile or social location-based services. Smartphone owners, younger users, and minorities are most likely to use location services.
report | Sep 6, 2011
55% of smartphone owners use their phones to get location-based directions or recommendations, while geosocial services and location-tagging features are less popular.