presentation | Dec 13, 2011

Kids, Privacy and Online Drama

Amanda Lenhart, danah boyd, and Alice Marwick will discuss the ways young people interact online, how they manage their privacy, and common misconceptions of adults when it comes to cyberbullying.

report | Dec 11, 2011

The Gingrich Rise Fuels Campaign Coverage

One GOP candidate has not only soared in the polls recently, he’s become the focal point of news coverage as well. A presidential speech drove coverage of the week’s No. 2 story, the economy.

short reads | Dec 9, 2011

GOP Nomination Race Hurting the Party

About three-in-ten (31%) Americans say that their impression of the Republican presidential field is getting worse as they learn more about the candidates.

report | Dec 8, 2011

For Gingrich, Age May Just Be a Number

As the newly anointed GOP frontrunner, Newt Gingrich is facing increased scrutiny about his record, policy proposals and temperament. But so far, Gingrich’s age – he will turn 69 next summer – has virtually escaped notice. This marks quite a change from the last presidential campaign, when then 72-year-old John McCain faced persistent questions about […]

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