The year when the Chinese economy will truly eclipse America’s is in sight
Many Say Intense Iowa Coverage is “Too Much”
Following the Jan. 3 Iowa caucuses four years ago, 40% of Americans said that the amount of press coverage it received was too much.
The Year of the Mega Story: bin Laden Killed
The biggest one-week story of the year was the May 1 killing May of Osama bin Laden by Navy Seals, which filled 69% of that week’s newshole. It was the biggest weekly story ever measured by the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism since they began tracking coverage in January 2007.
Bloggers Argue over the 2011 “Lie of the Year”
On blogs, PolitiFact’s decision to call out Democrats for lying about GOP plans for Medicare led to a heated political argument. And on YouTube, viewers were fascinated by the public outpouring from North Korean citizens following the death of Kim Jong Il.
As Deportations Rise to Record Levels, Most Latinos Oppose Obama’s Policy
By a ratio of more than two-to-one (59% versus 27%), Latinos disapprove of the way the Obama administration is handling deportations of unauthorized immigrants.
Little Change in Public’s Response to ’Capitalism,’ ’Socialism’
Overview The recent Occupy Wall Street protests have focused public attention on what organizers see as the excesses of America’s free market system, but perceptions of capitalism – and even of socialism – have changed little since early 2010 despite the recent tumult. The American public’s take on capitalism remains mixed, with just slightly more […]
As Deportations Rise to Record Levels, Most Latinos Oppose Obama’s Policy
Latinos disapprove by a margin of more than two-to-one of the way the Obama administration is handling deportations of unauthorized immigrants, according to a new national survey of Latino adults by the Pew Hispanic Center, a project of the Pew Research Center.
Why is the army so popular in Pakistan?
The civic and community engagement of religiously active Americans
Those who are active in religious organizations are more involved with all kinds of civic and other organizations, devote more time to organizational activities, and think more highly of their communities and their fellow citizens.