report | Jan 13, 2012

Few GOP Voters Would be Swayed by Endorsements

Political endorsements by prominent Republicans would provide little help for GOP candidates in the primaries and might be more of a liability than a benefit in a general election campaign. Most Republican and Republican-leaning voters say that candidate endorsements by leading GOP figures, including George W. Bush, Sarah Palin and John McCain, would make no […]

report | Jan 12, 2012

Many Voters Unaware of Basic Facts about GOP Candidates

Overview Many voters do not know basic facts about the Republican candidates running for president or the early primary calendar. While a sizable majority (69%) knows that Newt Gingrich served as speaker of the House, only about half (53%) identify Massachusetts as the state where Mitt Romney served as governor. Fewer than half of registered […]

report | Jan 12, 2012

Social Media Users Focus on Ron Paul

Last week, liberal, libertarian and conservative bloggers debated the campaign of presidential candidate Ron Paul following the Iowa caucuses. And on YouTube, Paul supporters offered up their own theory about why a CNN interview suddenly went off the air.

report | Jan 12, 2012

Real Time Charitable Giving

Charitable donations from mobile phones have grown more common in recent years. Two thirds (64%) of American adults now use text messaging, and 9% have texted a charitable donation from their mobile phone.

presentation | Jan 12, 2012

The Rise of the e-Patient

Director Lee Rainie presented to physicians, administrators, and staff at Providence St. Joseph Medical Center in Burbank, California on January 12 on understanding social networking and online health information seeking.

report | Jan 12, 2012

Real Time Charitable Giving

Why mobile phone users texted millions of dollars in aid to Haiti earthquake relief and how they got their friends to do the same

report | Jan 12, 2012

New Poll: Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life Surveys Mormons in America

Finds American Mormons Certain in Their Beliefs, Uncertain of Their Place in Society Washington, D.C. – With Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman, Jr. vying for the GOP presidential nomination, a popular Broadway musical about Mormons, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) running an extensive television campaign featuring ordinary Mormons, many say […]

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