report | Jan 22, 2012

2012 Campaign Coverage Heads South

The Project for Excellence in Journalism did not publish a news index report this week. But the data has been made available.

report | Jan 20, 2012

A Google Move Ignites an Online Battle

Major changes came to Google’s Search last week and bloggers rallied largely to voice displeasure and concern. And Super Junior, the Korean pop group that has rabid fans across the world, continues to be a draw on Twitter.

report | Jan 19, 2012

Obama: Weak Job Ratings, But Positive Personal Image

Overview Barack Obama begins his fourth year in office facing a struggling economy, an unhappy public, and a lower job approval rating than most of his recent predecessors at a comparable point in their presidencies. In fact, Obama’s job rating today is a bit more negative than it was in December: 48% disapprove of his […]

report | Jan 19, 2012

Religion and the Presidential Campaign: January Update

Polling conducted Jan. 11-16 shows that Mitt Romney maintains a substantial lead nationally in the race for the GOP nomination and finds few differences in the candidate preferences of some major religious groups.

report | Jan 18, 2012

Campaign 2012: Too Negative, Too Long, Dull

Overview As the Republican candidates battle for the chance to challenge Barack Obama in November, many Americans are highly critical of the presidential campaign. Half (50%) say the campaign has been too negative. By comparison, four years ago, amidst primary fights in both parties, just 28% said the campaign at that point was too negative. […]

report | Jan 18, 2012

Unpopular Nationally, Romney Holds Solid GOP Lead

Overview Days ahead of the South Carolina primary, Mitt Romney maintains a substantial lead nationally in the race for the GOP nomination. Yet his image among all voters has slipped since November and he runs no better in a general election matchup with Barack Obama than he did then, despite his advantage as the “electable” […]

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