report | Feb 5, 2012

Romney & Gingrich Lead the News

The Project for Excellence in Journalism did not publish a news index report this week. But the data has been made available.

report | Feb 2, 2012

Lower-Income Republicans Say Government Does Too Little for Poor People

Mitt Romney’s statement that he is focused solely on the problems of middle class Americans, not the poor, may not sit well with lower-income voters within his own party. Roughly a quarter of Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters have annual family incomes under $30,000, and most of them say that the government does not do […]

short reads | Feb 2, 2012

Large Military-Civilian Gap Among Young Americans

Just under four-in-ten (39%) adults under the age of 40 say they have an immediate family member who served in the military. By contrast, 60% of veterans younger than 40 have an an immediate family member who served.

report | Feb 2, 2012

The Facebook Fascination on Social Media

With Facebook’s IPO filing, this special edition of the New Media Index examines the conversation about the company among bloggers and tweeters during the past three years.

report | Feb 2, 2012

Trends in Party Identification of Religious Groups

Since 2008, the share of voters identifying with or leaning toward the GOP has either grown or held steady among major religious groups. This includes both religious groups that are part of the GOP’s traditional constituency as well as some groups that have tended to be more aligned with the Democratic Party, including Jewish voters.

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