Speaking the language of the next generation
How the Millennials Generation consumes, produces, and shares information
Public More Optimistic about Economy, But Concerns Persist
Overview Optimism about the national economy, which sagged in 2011, has rebounded in the first two months of this year. Currently, 44% say they expect economic conditions to be better a year from now, up from 34% last month and 28% in December. Moreover, 54% say either that the economy is already recovering (25%) or […]
Intermarried Couples: Trends and Characteristics
A new report from the Pew Research Center's Social & Demographic Trends project analyzes the rising prevalence of racial and ethnic intermarriage, and compares rates among different ethnic and racial groups. The report also uses public opinion data to look at changing attitudes toward intermarriage.
The Rise of Intermarriage
The share of new marriages between spouses of a different race or ethnicity from each other increased to 15.1% in 2010, more than double the share in 1980.
Independents Help Obama Build Lead Over Romney
A slight majority (51%) of independents support President Obama in a hypothetical general election matchup with Mitt Romney. Independents have shifted from Romney to Obama since January.
Most Younger Workers Prefer Job Security to High Pay
If asked to choose between a job with higher pay and one with more security, 56% of employed young adults would pick the position with more job security.
Health, Technology, and Communities of Color
As mobile, social tools spread throughout the population, people are connecting with each other. Why not harness those tools for health?
Public Takes Strong Stance Against Iran’s Nuclear Program
Nearly six-in-ten (58%) say it is more important to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, even if it means taking military action.
Meeting the Challenge of HIV/AIDS
Susannah Fox will present the Pew Internet Project's latest research on how mobile, social technologies are changing the way Americans pursue health.