report | Mar 9, 2012

What’s the future for self-tracking?

Stephen Wolfram predicts that we will all self-track some day, but a Pew Internet survey suggests we have a long way to go. Just 1 in 4 internet users track health data online.

report | Mar 9, 2012

Search Engine Use 2012

Even though online Americans are more satisfied than ever with the performance of search engines, strong majorities have negative views of personalized search results and targeted ads

report | Mar 9, 2012

Search Engine Use 2012

Even though online Americans are more satisfied than ever with the performance of search engines, strong majorities have negative views of personalized search results and targeted ads

report | Mar 8, 2012

Table: Estimated Percentage of Emigrants by Region

Display: Number | Percentage View By: Religious Affiliation | Region From / Origin country Total number of migrants To North America To Latin America, Caribbean To Asia-Pacific To Europe To Middle East-North Africa To Sub-Saharan Africa Afghanistan 3,010,000 3% <1% 86% 7% 3% <1% Albania 1,550,000 6% <1% 1% 92% <1% <1% Algeria 1,770,000 3% […]

report | Mar 8, 2012

Table: Estimated Percentage of Immigrants by Religious Affiliation

Display: Number | Percentage View By: Religious Affiliation | Region To / Destination country Total number of migrants Christian Muslim Hindu Buddhist Jewish Other Unaffiliated Afghanistan 90,000 11% 71% 10% 4% <1% 3% 2% Albania 90,000 89% 6% <1% <1% <1% <1% 4% Algeria 240,000 15% 77% <1% <1% <1% 2% 3% American Samoa 30,000 […]

report | Mar 8, 2012

Table: Estimated Percentage of Immigrants by Region

Display: Number | Percentage View By: Religious Affiliation | Region To / Destination country Total number of migrants From North America From Latin America, Caribbean From Asia-Pacific From Europe From Middle East-North Africa From Sub-Saharan Africa Afghanistan 90,000 <1% 3% 87% 6% 2% 2% Albania 90,000 <1% <1% <1% >99% <1% <1% Algeria 240,000 1% […]

report | Mar 8, 2012

Table: Estimated Number of Immigrants by Region

Display: Number | Percentage View By: Religious Affiliation | Region To / Destination country Total number of migrants From North America From Latin America, Caribbean From Asia-Pacific From Europe From Middle East-North Africa From Sub-Saharan Africa Afghanistan 90,000 <1,000 <10,000 80,000 <10,000 <10,000 <10,000 Albania 90,000 <1,000 <1,000 <1,000 90,000 <1,000 <1,000 Algeria 240,000 <10,000 […]

feature | Mar 8, 2012

Table: Estimated Number of Immigrants by Religious Affiliation

Display: Number | Percentage View By: Religious Affiliation | Region To / Destination country Total number of migrants Christian Muslim Hindu Buddhist Jewish Other Unaffiliated Afghanistan 90,000 <10,000 60,000 <10,000 <10,000 <1,000 <10,000 <10,000 Albania 90,000 80,000 <10,000 <1,000 <1,000 <1,000 <1,000 <10,000 Algeria 240,000 40,000 190,000 <10,000 <10,000 <10,000 <10,000 <10,000 American Samoa 30,000 […]

report | Mar 8, 2012

Table: Estimated Number of Emigrants by Region

Display: Number | Percentage View By: Religious Affiliation | Region From / Origin country Total number of migrants To North America To Latin America, Caribbean To Asia-Pacific To Europe To Middle East-North Africa To Sub-Saharan Africa Afghanistan 3,010,000 100,000 <10,000 2,590,000 220,000 80,000 10,000 Albania 1,550,000 90,000 <10,000 20,000 1,430,000 <10,000 <10,000 Algeria 1,770,000 60,000 […]

report | Mar 8, 2012

Table: Estimated Percentage of Emigrants by Religious Affiliation

Display: Number | Percentage View By: Religious Affiliation | Region From / Origin country Total number of migrants Christian Muslim Hindu Buddhist Jewish Other Unaffiliated Afghanistan 3,010,000 <1% 99% <1% <1% <1% <1% <1% Albania 1,550,000 46% 43% <1% <1% <1% <1% 10% Algeria 1,770,000 <1% 96% <1% <1% 2% <1% 2% American Samoa 40,000 […]

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