In Egypt, Hillary Clinton offers support for Islamist president
Presidential Approval
Barack Obama’s job approval rating has ranged from 44% to 50% in recent months. Obama’s job rating hit a two-year high of 56% in May 2011, in the days immediately after U.S. forces killed Osama bin Laden. Read More
What People Living With Rare Disease Can Teach Us
Susannah Fox presented research on how people, particularly those living with rare disease, use online health resources and what the rest of us can learn from them.
Pew: Support for capitalism down in U.S.
Chinese Love Free Markets as Much as Americans Do
Indians get pessimistic amid global downturn
’Glum’ Global Outlook, Pew Finds
Emerging Economies – Rich And Confident
The emerging economies account for an increasing share of the globe’s billionaires. But widespread public attitudes can wield far more influence over an economy than the wealth of a few hundred people. While people polled in the US and Europe are pessimistic about their future prospects, citizens of the emerging economies, especially China and Brazil, are optimistic about their own national economies and personal wealth.