report | Aug 26, 2008

A Profile of Hispanic Public School Students

The number of Hispanic students in the nation's public schools nearly doubled from 1990 to 2006, accounting for 60% of the total growth in public school enrollments over that period.

report | Aug 13, 2008

Hispanics and Health Care in the United States

More than one-fourth of Hispanic adults in the United States lack a usual health care provider, and a similar proportion report obtaining no health care information from medical personnel in the past year.

report | Jul 13, 2008

2008 National Survey of Latinos

The survey focused on the 2008 presidential election; attitudes regarding immigration and enforcement; remittance behavior; crime and the criminal justice system and media use.

fact sheet | May 8, 2008

Hispanic Women in the United States, 2007

There are 30.1 million Hispanic adults in the United States and 14.4 million of them--or 48%--are women, according to recent U.S. Census Bureau estimates.

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