Youth Vote Undergoes Big Racial, Ethnic Changes
Just 58% of voters 18-29 identified as white non-Hispanics in 2012, compared to 74% in 2000.
Just 58% of voters 18-29 identified as white non-Hispanics in 2012, compared to 74% in 2000.
PEJ and The Economist Group have announced the results from their Future of Mobile News Infographic challenge, hosted by Three designs, as well as a student entry, stood out among a number of strong submissions. See the featured infographics on our site and learn more about them.
Europeans generally reacted positively to President Obama’s re-election, just as they did four years ago. But despite Obama’s re-election at home and continued popularity in Europe, his presidency has not closed the long-running transatlantic values gap on issues such as the use of military force, religion, and individualism.
Overview With Washington making little apparent progress in efforts to avoid going over the “fiscal cliff,” public opinion about the situation has changed little over the past three weeks. The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and The Washington Post, conducted Nov. 29-Dec. 2 among 1,003 adults, […]
Americans are almost evenly divided on the idea of limiting deductions for mortgage interest, with 47% approving and 44% disapproving – a difference of 3 percentage points.
What cell owners like most about their phones: convenience, connecting with friends and family, and getting help in an emergency. What they like least: always being reachable, paying the bill, and poor reception.
Mobile phone owners like the convenience and ease of connectivity, but rue that they can be interrupted more easily, have to pay the bills, and face bad connections.
About four-in-ten Americans say they do not understand the consequences of going over the fiscal cliff.